connie wood:

PIease introduce yourself:
Hi, I’m Connie Wood (she/her) and I am a Professional Photographer in Mississauga! I’ve been active in my field for the past 8 years, and I continue my passion every day! Primarily I photograph portraits, couples and engagements, and weddings! I love eternalizing looks of love and life’s milestones between two people in a photo.
Tell us about the last thing you made and why you made it.
The last session I had was for a returning client, wanting some fresh photos of the two of them together to celebrate their first anniversary.
What do you make?
I help other people create their memories in pictures. A happy client always equals a happy photographer. When I’m not photographing people, I find comfort in photographing nature, landscapes and animals; at the end of the year I gather my favourites of these images and design calendars and sell them for the upcoming year!
Who would you want to collaborate with dead or alive?
Jo Johnson Overby is a young successful female content creator, photographer and educator from the southern USA. She is insightful, open minded, humble and wonderfully talented. I chose her because she is very open with her photographic technique online, and I would love to collaborate and learn from her in regards to photographing weddings.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
When it comes to giving and receiving advice, I’m more of the giver than the receiver. I am for sure an active listener and ready to listen to issues people have, whether it be life or career related, and respond to them with my thoughts. The best advice I’ve been given is probably to relax, take a step back and re-evaluate the situation, especially if its something causing stress.
What’s one question you wish you were asked more often?
I wish I were asked more about why editing a photo is important. The way a photo is edited in post-production is what gives a photographer their identity. A lot of clients don’t understand the amount of focus and work that goes into post-production. Anyone can realistically pick up a camera and take a photo, but it’s the editing process that really makes the photo, and gives it its uniqueness. Every photographers editing and post-production process its insanely unique and a lot of people don’t understand why they don’t receive an image 2 hours after it was taken. Most of us are perfectionists, and we can spend upwards of 2 hours editing one photograph.
What's your dream project?
My dream project would be to travel on safari in Africa and photograph wildlife and landscapes and experience an entirely new realm of photography.
Where do you see Peel Region’s Art and Culture in the future?
I definitely think that the art scene in Peel could be improved for the future. I would love to see more gallery shows, more submissions for contests and opportunities for creatives, and people to show case their work and discuss and chat about it. It should feel more like a community than a competition.